 The valley was rich
 Lush green thickets and
Unhindered streams that
Nourished human eye.
It was in her abundance
That i saw Lords grace
His love and His might.

In nature I saw the reflection
Of weeds and plants growth.
I saw that life was glad
And it out flowed into
Eyes and hearts that felt her.
It seemed to clear out clouds of doubts
And storms of worry
That flashed through the skies, unseen.

It's not her majesty, but kindness
And passion in her heart
What that makes me smile.
It's in her that men have found peace
And her abundance of love
Pampered the minds that saw
In her, life and soul.

Perhaps it's at that glance over her 
That I realized
Where I belong to.
It's then that I realized
It's not this world the truth,
But her eternity is.
And God speaks through her...

                                                                                                                          Lakshmi Das


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