In this era of competition, the sector in society that requires urgent change is education.

This change is not to be centered around mere career prospects and individual gains, but it should advocate the ideas of total growth of an individual.

When I used the term 'competitive world' I was very certain that the reader will make a mental picture of the stress and hardwork of  school students, in their preparation to crack JEEs and boards. This stress, as those who are employed knows, will never end with that phase alone. Life in this world has to an extent become too hectic for us to handle. And education today sets the ground for all the future struggles to come.

The marks secured by a student is a measure of his capacity. That is the rule. What if his abilities are in a non-academic stream? What if the kid is good at carpentry or cooking? No one asks these questions. When we look back into India and it traditions, we see that our system of education promoted the growth of all the abilities of a student. It included life-skills and moral education. It taught its learners how they should lead their lives. But the global education system is set in such a way that it is the credits that matters now. And the result of this educational culture is the unstable society we have. The number of rapists in a country are rising at  a higher rate that the number of Ph.D holders. And that is not a good sign.

Speaking about Ph.Ds, it is time we think of what is keeping us behind in excelling in research frontiers. It is not the lack of human resources. It is not the lack of  facilities. It certainly is the lack of availability of passionately curious minds. A very few, perhaps less than a thousand come out successful in researches. We hail the NASA and ISRO, but have we ever thought of the millions out there who hardly understands relativity?? Wonders like Taj Mahal are not being constructed today, though there are many civil engineers out here.. It is not a blind criticism I am  making. But I want us to think atleast now. We badly need a CHANGE.

There are people who say that the number of uneducated people are decreasing, but is there any visible change in the society because of them? Why can’t the youth stand together and work? Why are we locked up in our own personalised flats and do not bother to take our eyes off the television?

Because we are educated so. We are taught that when we help our friend, we reduce our chance of become the top scorer. We are taught to think only of the textbooks and that the NGOs are to be banned because they divert kids from education. We are told that society needs engineers and doctors only. Entrepreneurs are risk takers and girls shouldn’t marry them especially photographers. And its funny how we marvel at the NG photographs!! It is high time we restructure our mental frames. And I believe that only education can do it.

Through education children should start thinking on their own, arrive at conclusions and finally grow wise enough to apply it practically. Education should promote trust and faith in kids. Sadly we have a huge population of citizens who put passwords even for their cameras. !

Education now can get proficient ones to the top. But it should help every kind of students. It should build confidence in every kid hat they can lead this world. The reason why we have so many broken families is this; no one is confident enough to handle the roles of parents or even life-partners. It is only education that can create a miracle there. And in my opinion education should primarily get  human beings close to their roots. They should be taught to marvel at the majesty of the universe and the  depths of oceans. It is this curiosity that will create researchers, not the proficiency in remembering equations and years.

The system of education should be restructured soon enough, or it might be too late if we put it off. We need leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers and artists. We certainly need people who are willing to put wastes into bins and  can treat their fellow beings with love and respect. We have to end corruption. And the all these are not day-dreams, if we can make the changes required in the education sector.


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