Unable to conceive the truth of that sentence,
he stood there frozen. Time stopped. The air felt heavy. The phone fell from
his hands and in a second, memories played a slideshow.
The truth felt unbearable to him.
He could feel his body turn pale. He felt the pain rushing through his body, blinding his senses. She was no more. She wasn’t there. That woman who showed him life, she
wasn’t there anymore. The whole world
seemed depopulated.
At heart he knew that a world without her was impossible. But never, not even when she expected
him to invite her into his life, he could do it. His fears- fears that she
never understood, pulled him back. He couldn’t lose his soul again! He feared
his past. Blood-stained memories of murders haunted him. That fear guided him
often. And to defile her soul with the burden of his worthless life was to him the
gravest crime. But that woman, he knew, would have healed his wounded soul,
yet he could never gather the will to do it. And today, time is laughing hard at
him; at his silly fears.
He felt the darkness around him grow thicker. He laughed at
the folly he had made; and regret filled the voids of his desperate thoughts.But this time, he made his mind. He decided not to
let his woman down. He remembered her vow; and then slowly walked to the
kitchen. Yesterday a new kitchen knife had found its place in the rack. A
meaningful gift. The last one.
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