A year older.

I am a year older today,
Waking upto a society that –
Raises more questions than I would ever answer.
Once again, a year more of disappointment-
For they will never be fine with the answers I give.

I am a year older today,
Knowing that I have cheated myself,
My dreams and my passion.
May be not apparently.
I never showed that to you!

I now  feel the pain,
I sense it a bit deeper-
A year can make us more human perhaps.
I am not sure.
But I am, a bit more kind today.

A  year has went by,
With goodbye kisses
And strange meetings.
A year has left ,
With nothing more than memories
That forever stays-
Or stays forever forgotten.

To look back is scary,
For I have crossed oceans –
I never knew I could.
I have fought battles-
Which I knew would kill me.
Yet I breathe today.

I am a year older today-
To things that once melt my heart
And left it aching.
And I am a year older today-

To life that is fair enough in its unfairness. 


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