Next time is a lie.

So today is one of those days when life hits you on head and asks you to look at life as it is. The hit was hard, but still worth it. 

I often forget my peoples birthdays, not because I dont love them or anything; I just don't worry much about dates and hence end up forgetting. And that means my outlook calendar serves as my personal birthday reminder, and like always it reminded me another dear one's birthday today.

Tomorrow is Feb 28; and I remember how last year one the same day I was promised a cup of 'payasam' the coming year. Life is odd not because things happen against our wishes, life is odd because things that happen    never seek our choice. They just happen and we are left with  no other choice but to live on.

The last year had been a great reminder on how insignificant we are when it comes to the process of life. It taught me that we are but passing actors on this mighty stage, thinking our part is the most significant and learning as we walk out that it was otherwise. In the unending waves of uncertain happenings, I have learned to stop fighting against it. Rather I move with it now and its a much better way to be.

We can never really insist as to what happens with life, but we can choose to exist with a sense of gratitude for all the beautiful beings who came along. I have to come to this understanding that there aren't any assured 'next times' in life; sometimes some birthdays shall not be celebrated again and some journeys shall not be made. But life is like this, frighteningly uncertain and insisting upon us every other day that all that is left to celebrate is this day, this very moment. Breathe and be alive. Next time is a lie folks!!


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