About two people.

Let me tell you a story.

I was walking through a street yesterday. And I saw this really old couple laughing at something. When I say old, the man is in his eighties and the lady is in her seventies. But they were super chill and were laughing like anything. They didn't give a damn about the world!

It's been a while since I have been to this street. But nothing seems to have changed here. From the smell of coriander leaves to the loud bargainings, it's still quite the same. There is a certain warmth about this place, a certain sense of joy. Guess the folks here have aged in their bodies, but their spirit of happiness remains contagious.

Cudallore is a very small village for that matter. But you get really fresh vegetables from it's market. So this street is where we used to buy our vegetables from. And this man was the vendor from whom we would buy coconuts. He would give us a few for free! Out of love that is. And also buy me snacks from the next door tea shop :)

The truth is I don't really have a story to tell.
But what is a story after all?
Ain't it life? Ain't it people?
Their laughter and their tears?
Ain't all that makes us, stories?

So back to the laughter part.
They were laughing at the torn sack into which they kept putting in the coconuts. And when they were finally done, all of them started coming out of the sack.
Back to square one and these people were laughing at that!

And the most beautiful part was how they worked as a team to put some two hundred plus coconuts into another sack, continuing to laugh at their silly mistake.

I could see that their backs hurt. They were struggling with the task. There was dust which made Paatti sneeze. But none of these mattered. They were happy.
They dont seem to carry complex ideas of happiness like us. They can laugh at silly things and be happy for the simplest of things.

How they see the world is something that struck me. And that's where my story is. In them. In their laughter.

How many of us a capable of laughing at our mistakes?
How capable are we to see the insignificance of our actions in the greater cosmic space?
Will we ever realise that, someone's idea of life is what we have been leading?
Have you ever thought of who is making you insecure?

Somewhere in our life we were taught to believe that perfect people never make mistakes?
Some of us were even denied love because it is considered to be a mistake.
And somewhere down the lane, we became so scared of making mistakes that we even stopped taking risks.
Some of us have even stopped loving.

This couple I saw yesterday, reminded me of how significant it is to laugh. To be friends with partners. To enjoy each other's madness. To laugh at each other's mistakes.
But more than that, they reminded me of how we are fooled into believing that we have to chase happiness.
That happiness is in something greater, something far away.

But then what is there to life more than the joy of living?

- Lakshmy Das


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