Not even a picture of us!

It just struck me today that I don't have a picture with some of the best people in my life and that was quite a heartbreaking realisation. It is not that having a picture makes a difference as to what we feel for them, it is  just that some dear people and the time we spent with them are only in the memory now. Not that they have left, but that in growing up we came to a point where their influence on our life has come to an end.  They are people with whom we have never taken a selfie. They are people who never told us that they love us till moon and back or even tried showing. They are people who told us that life is as beautiful as wee make it and that happiness is worth any risks. Somehow they gave us that little strength to bear the weights life put on us as we grew up.
And as I note this down, a few faces come to my mind so vividly that it fills a great sense of gratitude in me for I had them in my life, even if it was for a very brief period. Such warm human beings they were!

We know we have changed when we see things just the way they are and not attach a lot of unnecessary drama onto everything. The process of justifying ourselves about why certain things had to be done comes to a beautiful end at some point in our lives. No more do I worry like before  about why I stopped talking to a few people, I now realize it had to come to an end and that, it was the only way it could be. Sometimes we agree to the idea that wings can't be opened in a cage, no matter how beautiful the cage is or how comfortable you are in the captivity. To fly, the wings have to be opened. And time has its ways of letting us break a few bonds in order to allow us to fly. Often we don't really realise it.

A few months back it was Anandettan who told me to stop feeling hurt for life that is happening ; he asked me to let go of the weights of  things that I left long ago. Though the thought didn't become a reality until late, it certainly makes a lot of sense now. Sometimes the chaos around  make us deaf towards what we really want. But at times we have to choose to walk out of things that destroy us. Not because we intend to hurt someone or hate a place, but because that is perhaps the only way for us to get back to our senses. And in those junctures of life, we meet these rare people who help us through.

And when it comes to people, there are ones who actually moulded us into finer human beings. More than often, these people were there only for a very brief time in our lives and I guess that's the whole point of it. I have missed a lot of people all these years; from my pre-kg class teacher to the crush with whom I no longer talk, there is a long list of people I thought I had lost. But I never really lost them when I look at it now. Somewhere inside me a part of them lives on. And that was indeed their purpose in my life. Even if for a second, if we all could look back and smile at the awkwardly stupid and equally overwhelming life we have lived, a lot of mess will clear up. Things were meant to happen and all that is expected of us is to live through them.The truth is , there is no point in holding back. When you are here dance with the world and be merry. And be so alive that there will not be even a speck of doubt within as to whether we are living it well or not. And yes! Do take some random pictures of all those rare people you have got.
To all the people I have loved and have hurt on the go and to all the love I got in growing up, I pray there be light in all our lives !




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