Inspired by 'classmate'.

"Sometimes all what you need is an inspiration..!!!"
And recently I was extremely inspired by the 'classmates' notebooks. Their series of notebooks with the theme 'Inspirations from nature ' really made feel good. What they have expressed is something which we all see, but those which we never take time to think of. Nature was and is the prime factor in inspiring us humans and compelling us to move forward. If we were not to be inspired by mother nature with the magnificent flights of birds, it would never have been possible for us to reach the  places of our desire in such short time duration.. 
Inspiration not only comes from nature, but it also comes from those sources which we sometimes fail to recognise. And trust me, our biggest source of inspiration is right there in our own homes.
How many of us have given a thought into how much our MOTHERS are important in our lives???
If it weren't for her, most of us would have quit halfway in this unending race of modern life. We are all set on a race to achieve goals, some of which we ourselves hardly know. I never understand as to why we are running like this, loosing our human nature and piling up money alone, with no heart to feel.???
We fail to visit our friend who is sick and make a call to our parents.The reason being we are busy. Dear friends, look into nature, its so vibrant,sheltering and productive. It never complains and always gives to the needy, and trust me her abundance is purely because she gives.Moreover she never rushes, for she knows everything has a time and she is patient to everything. Or else for the destruction we have caused, she would have destroyed us by the ways unimaginable..  Like her lets learn to be calm, persevering and beautiful- for todays world really is in need of some true human beings with a heart that is sensitive to love and affection, that finds time during the busy schedules and that which can accept others without measuring what they are......
Lets be inspired by the majesty of this world where 'change' is the only thing that doesn't change and be ourselves as nature shows us, for life doesn't always offer a second chance....!!


  1. yes dude what you wrote is a real fact.....many of us are denying our responsibility to save nature who provides all the necessities in our life...when we look around we see beautyfull nature with trees,plants,colourfull flowers etc.. but its beauty is reducing day by day........... dear friends let's stand together to conserve our mother earth............

  2. lets join our hands to save mother earth.


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